UNSCHOOLING + VAN LIFE with Joni Zander (@thegalavan)


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Wonder what RADICALLY UNSCHOOLED kids do when they grow up?👇

Follow their joy and find success, just like anyone else!

This week’s RV Queens guest unschooled her kids with a unique approach throughout their entire childhood. She brings a fresh perspective to RV life that we haven’t heard on this show to date 🤩

Joni Zander is the creator and road guide behind @TheGalavan. She focuses on helping women get on the road and be successful nomads through her YouTube channel @thegalavan, her Facebook group Gal Adventurers, and her weekly Nomad Women's Virtual Happy Hour.

This conversation with Joni covers:

✨ the approach she used to RADICALLY UNSCHOOL her two kids (and what they’re up to as adults)

🪄 why we *don’t* need to motivate our kids

🧥 the Invisibility Cloak of women over 50 and why Van Life can be a great option

🚙 van life community vs. sticks-and-bricks neighborhood

âž• And much more!

Connect with Joni on Youtube, Facebook and her website! 👇 





Want to be a guest on the show? 👉 Apply here! https://forms.gle/mPnC3yVPyzMo7GtT8


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