How to live your dream by starting small and starting NOW! with Tricia Leach (@keepyourdaydream)


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This woman needs no introduction! 🤩

Tricia Leach is an ‘OG’ of modern RV Livin’. Her brand, Keep Your Daydream, is all about starting small and starting now, in an effort to create intentional living. Lifestyle is a very personal term and it can look many different ways for all different kinds of people! 

Tricia along with her husband, Marc, leaped into the RV lifestyle seven years ago with their three kids to explore the US on their own terms. They started a YouTube channel from day one to document and share all the ups and downs, fun times and dips with the hope that others would gleam some new ideas, learn from their mistakes and embrace the idea that when you start small and start now you will begin creating a life you love!

This conversation with Tricia covers:

🚙 Why they chose RVing over Sailing

👩‍👧‍👦 How to transition into the Empty Nest phase of motherhood

🔑 Keys to healthy family culture while traveling full-time

📈 How they choose which business ideas to pursue next 

➕ And much more!

Connect with Tricia and follow her family’s adventures on Instagram and Youtube at @keepyourdaydream

Check out her magazine, cookbook and spice blends on their Website:


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